425 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
acryl auf karton
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Reflection in Ultramarine
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Blue in the Dark
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Very Soon
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Sharp Turn
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Lilit Shintaro (geb. 1986)
Shop Shintaro Lilit
Lilit Shintaro
Lilit Shintaro is a Russian artist, working and living in Moscow.
Her main inspiration comes from human nature and our reality. She expresses herself through forms of the usual objects taking them from the environment and placing their shapes into her paintings.
Lilit has lots of what to say to all the world with her artworks and she does it. Instead of showing everything to the viewer, she gives them a reason to contemplate based on stories that are hidden inside her paintings.
Shintaro Lilit
Anzahl der Produkte: 26
Elena Kuzmina (geb. 1964)
Shop Kuzmina Elena
Elena Kuzmina
Родилась в Москве в 1964 г., закончила художественную школу, получила среднее медицинское образование, 5 лет работала в больнице, затем художником в ЦРБ, потом как свободный художник продавала свои живописные работы на Вернисаже и в худ. галереях. В 1998 году состоялась моя первая персональная выставка в галерее гостиницы Реддисон Славянская в Москве. Тогда же моя выставка и интервью со мной были показаны по Центральному телевидению в новостях и программе "Культура". Годом позже в галерее "На Петровских линиях" в Москве состоялась моя персональная выставка, подготовленная мной по заказу организаторов Четвёртого Международного конкурса балета и была посвящена этому событию. Одна из моих работ была приобретена организаторами и вручена на закрытии конкурса в качестве подарка участнику. В 2000 году в Санкт Петербурге состоялась третья моя персональная выставка в Доме Архитектора. Эта выставка была заказана и оплачена консульством Нидерландов и была посвящена неделе культуры Нидерландов в Санкт Петербурге. Консульство Нидерландов заказало мне сделать в виде витража копию акварельного портрета королевы Нидерландов Беатрикс. Эта работа с позволения королевы, как того требует законодательство Нидерландов была выставлена в Доме Архитектора. В 2001 году состоялась моя 4-ая персональная выставка в Санкт Петербурге в галерее "Ифа". После 2001 года жизненные обстоятельства сложились так, что мне пришлось оставить выставочную деятельность и перейти к работе на заказ. Сейчас моё материальное положение позволяет вновь заняться творческой деятельностью. Сейчас я подготавливаю серию абстрактных работ для новой выставки. Только что две моих работы заняли вторые места в международном конкурсе GOLDEN TIME TALENT в номинации "абстрактная живопись".
Kuzmina Elena
Anzahl der Produkte: 20